Achieve greater yield potential and outstanding forage quality under heavy leafhopper pressure.
- Eighth-generation potato leafhopper resistance with HopperShield™ protection delivers high yield potential and forage quality without the need to spray, even under heavy leafhopper pressure
- Impressive stand health visuals under various levels of leafhopper pressure, coupled with ability to apply broad-spectrum weed control and crop safety of glyphosate
- Winterhardy (WH=2.2); WL 359LH.RR delivers solid winter survival, even under harsh winter conditions
Planting Tips
- 8-10 lbs per acre (mix)
- 14-20 lbs per acre (alone)
- Seeds/lb: 227,000
- Depth to sow: 1/8-1/4"
- Planting dates: March-April & Aug-Sept
More product details click here... Tech Sheet Summary
WL 359LHRR Alfalfa 50# Bag