All of our mixes meet State of Illinois requirements. Supporting seed tags information available upon request.

IDOT Class 1 Lawn Mix
$142.50 per 50# Bag
Seeding Rate: 200 pounds per acre
Kentucky Bluegrass 100#
Perennial Ryegrass 60#
Creeping Red Fescue 40#
IDOT Class 1A Salt Tolerant Lawn Mix
$167.50 per 50# Bag
Seeding Rate: 180 pounds per acre
Kentucky Bluegrass 60#
Perennial Ryegrass 20#
Audubon Red Fescue 20#
Rescue 911 Hard Fescue 20#
Fults Salt Grass 60#
IDOT Class 1B Low Maintenance Lawn Mix
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Seeding Rate: 200 pounds per acre
Fine Leaf Turf Type Fescue 150#
Perennial Ryegrass 20#
Redtop 10#
Creeping Red Fescue 20#
IDOT Class2 Roadside Mixture
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Seeding Rate: 200 pounds per acre
Inferno Tall Fescue 100#
Perennial Ryegrass 50#
Creeping Red Fescue 40#
Red Top 10#
IDOT Class 2A Salt Tolerant Road Mixture
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Seeding Rate: 200 pounds per acre
Fine Leaf Turf Type Fescue 150#
Perennial Ryegrass 20#
Redtop 10#
Creeping Red Fescue 20#
IDOT Class 3A: Northen Illinois Slope Mixture
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Seeding Rate: 154 pounds per acre
Canada Wild Rye 5# Perennial Ryegrass 20#
Alsike Clover 5# Illinois Bundleflower 2#
Little Bluestem 12# Side-Oats Grama 10#
Fults Salt Grass 30# Oats, Spring 50#
Slender Wheat Grass 15# Buffalo Grass (Cody/Bowie) 5#
IDOT Class 3A: Southern Illinois Slope Mixture
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Seeding Rate: 132 pounds per acre
Perennial Ryegrass 20# Canada Wild Rye 20#
Switchgrass 10# Little Bluestem 12#
Side-Oats Grama 10# White Prairie Clover 5#
Black-Eyed Susan 5# Oats, Spring 50#
IDOT Class 4: Native Grass Mixture
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Seeding Rate: 83 pounds per acre
Big Blue Stem 4# Little Bluestem 5#
Side-Oats Grama 5# Canada Wild Rye 1#
Switchgrass 1# Indian Grass 2#
Annual Ryegrass 25# Oats, Spring 25#
Perennial Ryegrass 15#​
IDOT Class 4A: Low Profile Nature Mixture
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Seeding Rate: 76.5 pounds per acre
Little Bluestem 5# Side-Oats Grama 5#
Canada Wild Rye 1# Prairie Dropseed .5#
Annual Ryegrass 25# Oats, Spring 25#
Perennial Ryegrass 15#
IDOT Class 4B Wetland Grass & Sedge Mixture
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Seeding Rate: 56 pounds per acre
Annual Ryegrass 25#
Spring Oats 25#
Wetland Grasses 6#
Blue Joint Grass 12%, Lake-Bank Sedge 6%, Awl-Fruited Sedge 6%, Tussock Sedge 6%, Fox Sedge 6%, Needle Spike Rush 3%, Blunt Spike Rush 3%, Fowl Manna Grass 14%, Common Rush 6%, Slender Rush 6%,
Torrey's Rush 6%, Rice Cut Grass 10%, Hard-Stemmed Bulrush 3%, Dark Green Rush 3%, River Bulrush 3%, Softstem Bulrush 3% & Cord Grass 4%
IDOT Class 5 Forbs with Annual Mixture
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Seeding Rate: 11 pounds per acre
Forbs Mixture 10#
Mixture not exceeding 5% by PLS weight of any one species of the following:
Lead Plant, Butterfly Weed, Smooth Aster White, Wild Indigo, Prairie Coreopsis, Rattlesnake Master, Ox-Eye Sunflower, Rough Blazing Star, Prairie Bergamot, Louse Wart, Purple Prairie Clover, Prairie Cinquefoil, Fragrant Coneflower, Prairie Dock, Spiderwort, Thimble Weed, Sky Blue Aster, New England Aster, New Jersey Tea, Pale Purple Coneflower, Downy Sunflower, Alum Root, Prairie Blazing Star, Wild Quinine, White Prairie Clover, False Dragonhead, Yellow Coneflower, Compass Plant, Rigid Goldenrod, Culver's Root
Annuals Mixture 1#
Mixture not exceeding 25% by weight of any one species of the following:
Sand Coreopsis, Blanket Flower, Shasta Daisy, Long-Headed Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan
IDOT Class 5A Large Flower Native Forb Mixture
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Seeding Rate: 5 pounds per acre
Forbs Mixture 5#
New England Aster 5%, Pale Purple Coneflower 10%, Downy Sunflower 10%, Ox-eye Sunflower 10%, Prairie Blazing Star 10%, Yellow Coneflower 5%, Black-Eyed Susan 10%, Compass Plant 10%, Prairie Dock 20%, Rigid Goldenrod 10%
IDOT Class 5B Wetland Forb Mixture
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Seeding Rate: 2 pounds per acre
Forbs Mixture 2#
Sweet Flag 3%, Angelica 6%, Swamp Milkweed 2%, Stemmed Aster 10%, Beggarticks 7%, Spotted Joe-Pye Weed 7%, Boneset 7%, Autumn Sneeze Weed 2%, Blue Flag Iris 2%, Cardinal Flower 5%, Great Blue Lobelia 5%, Winged Loosestrife 2%, False Dragonhead 5%, Smartweed 10%, Water Smartweed 10%, Mountain Mint 5%, Cut Leaf Coneflower 5%, Riddel Goldenrod 2%, Giant Burweed 5%
IDOT Class 6 Conversion Mixture
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Seeding Rate: 48 pounds per acre
Little Bluestem 5# Canada Wild Rye 2#
Vernal Alfalfa 15# Oats, Spring 48#
Buffalo Grass (Cody/Bowie) 5#
IDOT Class 6A Salt Tolerant Conversion Mixture
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Seeding Rate: 95 pounds per acre
Little Bluestem 5# Canada Wild Rye 2#
Vernal Alfalfa 15# Fults Salt Grass 20#
Oats, Spring 48#
Buffalo Grass (Cody or Bowie) 5#
IDOT Class 7 Temporary Turf Mixture
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Seeding Rate: 114 pounds per acre
Perennial Ryegrass 50# Spring Oats 64#
Oats (50#) $25.00 • Wheat (50#) $25.00
Pallet Discounts Available
Straw Blankets & 10-10-10 Fertilizer
Local Delivery Available • Direct Warehouse Shipment
Shipping is $25 per 50# • Pallet Rate is $125.00
FREE Shipping available on all orders over 2,000#