This mix of flowers and grasses from the Tallgrass Prairie Region. Best for moderate to moister sites. Plant in late spring or early summer. Height is 24-96 inches.
Seeding Rate per acre is 16 lbs.
Smooth Aster, New England Aster, Blue Wild Indigo , Illinois Bundleflower, Show Tick Trefoil, Pale Purple Coneflower,Purple Coneflower, Rattlesnake Master, Joe Pyewood, Ox-eyed Sunflower, Thickspike Gayfeather, Perennial Lupine, Bergamont, Smooth Penstemon, Greyheaded Coneflower, Brown-eyed Susan, Cup Plant, Rigid Goldenrod, Prairie Ironwood, Big Bluestem, Switchgrass, Little Bluestem & Indiangrass
Tall Prairie Flower/Grass Mix 1#