429 LHR Alfalfa is a glandular haired alfalfa that performs well under potato leafhopper pressure. For best forage yield performance, delay cutting schedule.
Leaf Hopper Resistant Alfalfa
Organic Eligible - Apex Green Coated
- Glandular Haired Alfalfa
- Highly Resistant to Potato Leafhoppers
- Protected by a Solid Disease Package
- Apex Green Coated
- Organic Production Eligible
Agronomic Characteristics:
Bacterial Wilt HR
Fusarium Wilt HR
Verticillium Wilt HR
Anthracnose (Race 1) HR
Phytophthora Root Rot HR
Aphanomyces Root Rot (Race 1) R
Aphanomyces Root Rot (Race 2) MR
Potato Leafhopper HR
Stem Nematode MR
DRI 29/30
Fall Dormancy 3.9
WSI Rating 1.8
Recovery After Cutting Slow
Root Type Tap
Multi-foliate Expression High
Forage Yield Potential Very Good
Forage Quality Very Good
Seeding Rate: 15-20 pounds an acre
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