Our Hay & Graze Clover Mix is a Mixof outstanding clovers formulated at justthe right percentage to give the best benefit for production livestock managers.
- Overseed grass pastures
- Great for frost seeding
- Proper formula of red to white clover
- Helps reduce the effect of endophyte fungus found in infected KY-31 tall fescue
**Depending on availability, some ingredients may be coated. Call for specifics.**
- 70% Medium Red Clover
- 30% White Clover
Seeding rate: 2-8 lbs/ac
More things to know
- Fertilize and lime according to soil tests
- When possible use a no-till method of planting. Otherwise, till and level seed bed to break down clods. Firm the seed bed.
- Plant seed at recommended rate according to the mix or species you are planting.
- Deed should be planted or worked into the soil to a depth of 1/8 – 1/4" with a harrow or cultipacker
- Firm seed bed again
- Seed requires ample moisture to germinate
- Allow plant to establish before grazing or cutting. Once plants reach 8-12", cut or graze to no less than 2-3". Do not over-harvest or over-graze during the first year.
Enduro Hay and Graze Clover Mix